Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The 'Heat' has begin......

Start from today (Tuesday) till this Thursday, Aiman is sitting for his UPSR trial for Gombak area...... Kecut perut rasenye..... but he looked cool.... may be dah 'well prepared' kot....mudah-mudahan he can do well in his Trial and his coming UPSR exam in September... "Good Luck' my dear.... I'll be always pray for your success.... Next month plak (August '09), he will sitting for his PSRA trial... and then...on Sept '09 the real UPSR & PSRA plak.....wah.... there is no rest at all until this October '09 when the Final Exam is over... lepas tu baru bleh enjoy yourself... (including myself too.....heh...heh...heh.....) Tak senang duduk dibuatnye laa nie. Nie baru anak nak ambik exam UPSR & PSRA....blum lagik exam yang tak ntah ape-ape lagik.....It's OK....ni baru namanye ibu yang prihatin.... anak EXAM... ibu pun EXAM gak..... "The heat has begin....... now"....... (Usaha + Doa + Tawakkal = Kejayaan).... ~ Amin ~